Elevate Asset Management in Education

Smart Solutions for Smarter Campuses

Troverlo Autonomo - Your Solution for Smarter Education Asset Tracking


Benefits of Implementing Troverlo Autonomo

With Autonomo added onto every asset, your organizations improves your operations, prevents losses, and reduces security risk. All of this combines to provide a compelling ROI. 

Automatic Inventory Management

Eliminate the need for manual barcode scanning and manual outreach to educators and students to track the devices in their possession

Recover And Redeploy Assets

Recover allocated assets at the end of the school year so you can redeploy to the next set of students and faculty

Reduce Risk of Data Breach

22% of data breaches occur from lost/stolen devices. Improved visibility and recovery of devices improves security.

City scape with Wi-Fi icons across the city

Autonomo devices create a robust local observation network

When Autonomo devices are connected, they actively scan for nearby Troverlo enabled devices, including other disconnected Autonomo devices and battery-powered tags.


Key Features of Troverlo Autonomo

Autonomo effortlessly grants organizations complete visibility into their electronic devices, guaranteeing that each and every device is meticulously tracked without the need for tedious manual intervention.

Seamless Integration

Autonomo software can be loaded onto virtually any Wi-Fi capable device. 

Real-time Asset Tracking

Gain visibility into where your assets are located and how they are being used. 

Offline Data Collection

Collect data on assets regardless of internet connectivity.

Global Scalability

Autonomo software can be pushed out  through existing device management systems.

Ready to Transform Your Asset Tracking?

Let’s build something amazing together, with Troverlo.